uh oh. Guess who's signed up for another endurance event :) Let the training really begin!
The DC Half Marathon is on March 26th which gives me about 2 months or 8 weeks of training. it's going to be close.
Weekly schedule:
Tuesday - intervals/speed training
Wednesday - cross training
Thursday - 5-6 miles
Friday - rest
Saturday - long run (starting at 6 miles and increasing 1-2 miles each week)
Sunday - 3-4 miles at an easy, 'conversational' pace.
I am so excited about this event because I have at least 3!! running buddies from the NYC Marathon training days that are also signed up for the event. I CANNOT wait to see them again and hope to enjoy a nice pasta dinner the night before the race! given that running is 'back' in my life expect many more posts on the training/food/scheduling that all revolve around endurance events.
ever wonder what it would be like to run a half marathon? why not sign up for one and train with me?! let me know if you're interested so I can talk you into it!!
more information can be found here. Who doesn't want to run around monuments!