Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Milk the Old School Way

Recently I was talking with some friends about how I wanted to start a business that brings back the 'old school' ways of delivering milk to your home door step.  I realize it's not very practical for me to do because:
  1. I don't own a dairy farm and
  2. I'd be the worst truck driver ever (ok maybe better then this guy)
so after giving up on this dream I found this: http://kingbrothers.deliverybizpro.com/

Yes, they deliver milk to the doors of homes in Clifton Park north to Queensbury and the surrounding areas.

I cannot wait to get my first order of milk and eggs! And consider supporting these guys if you're in the area!!

I'll keep you posted.

A Simple Request

anyone know how to make delicous homemade Perogies? I'll pay you about $20 and some Guinness to teach me.


btw perogies don't look very good in photographs hence the illustration :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Adaptu - Adapt Who?!

Today I found some time to listen to a couple podcasts that I enjoy.  It's hard for me to listen to podcasts and do anything else while still being able to follow the podcast. Today on the 'Comsumerism Commentary' podcast they were talking about a site to help individuals manage their finances.  The site was: https://www.adaptu.com/index.jspa.  The difference between this site and most of the other finacial literacy sites I've come across is that this one really tries to use the community as a source of knowledge. For better or for worse. this idea falls along the lines of wikipedia and I was really eager to check out how sophisticated the conversations got or if was more of the same information that you can find anywhere on the internet.

Little did I know I would never find out.  The site took far too long for my lightening speed and impulsive brain to sit and wait for.  The site lost my appeal before I could even look at much of it.  I suppose I'll give it another go but for now it's rated an overall thumbs down.

I leave you all with the link in hopes that you'll have better luck and find it useful to you.  Seems like it really has potential.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Running of the Green (Island)

Today was a GREAT day to race.  Not too cold and not too many people.  Sorry to my niece and nephew for missing what I heard was a spectacular performance. I hope someone got it on film.