Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Filling This New Apartment

At the risk of getting some eye rolls I'm going to say that this new apartment is by far the largest I've ever lived in.  And between my roommate and I we don't have any where near enough furniture to fill the place.  I should be able to post some photos (the POD is delivered tomorrow, finally! with my camera cable in it).  But pretty much this place echos is so empty.

I find it strangly exciting to search of cheap furniture.  Because there isn't a rush to have furniture I'm able to take some time and find things that I actually like.  so here's the running tally of merchandise so far:
- $160: 1 Queen size bed set (box spring + mattress + bed frame + head and foot boards)
- $20  : 1 bookshelf about 6 feet tall
- $0    : Bread Machine!
- $40  : Office Desk
- $0    : Sheets, Teapot and an Iron
- $10   : Free Kitchen table and 3 chairs - I put $10 because it will need to be repainted
- $16   : Two Free Large mirrors - these also I added $16 because I will need to pay someone to cut off a broken end of one of the mirrors.  I hoping to find some free frames to frame them in and hang them on the walls

Running Total = $246

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