Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Adaptu - Second Shot

About a month or so ago I heard about a site that perked my financial management ears called Adaptu.  The site is really a place to find financial information, ask questions, take polls etc. The difference between this site and most financial sites I've seen is that it's mostly other community members that help answer your questions or spark conversation.  I think I used the reference to wikipedia in my last post about the site.  It's user generated content at least from what I can see.

- User friendly - I really like the layout of the site, it's clean and simple.
- Content is relatively fresh and new
- Each article provides you with 'next steps' some lead you to other articles while some take you to polls but it keeps your exploration ongoing

- Points you to other sites (in some cases) instead of providing you with the service themselves (example).  Now this may be strategic if it's something they just don't do very well themselves.  It could also be based on what the community member knows about adaptu's capabilities.  Perhaps Matt doesn't know that Adaptu can provide you with retirement calculators (I don't know if it does or not)
- There aren't too many articles that catch my that are completely and totally unique. As in I've seen similiar topics and discussions on other sites.

Overall I really like Adaptu, especially now that it's not so slow.  They've really improved the speed of the site over the past month.  I'm chaning my rating from a thumbs down to a thumbs up.  Now go check it out.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Thanks for the thumbs up rating!

We currently do not have retirement calculators of our own on Adaptu, but we know they can be a valuable tool for our users. Because we want Adaptu users to be as best prepared as possible for their financial futures, we will sometimes point to other sites we think do a good job.

As far as content goes- we’d love to know what you find eye-catching. Feel free to share ideas on our Get Satisfaction page [].