Friday, September 11, 2009

Life's Adventures

Hang Gliding - September 6, 2009
Dune Buggying - May 15ish, 2009
Sky Diving - September 2008

Bungee Jumping
Running of the Bulls
Hot Air Balloon Ride
Jet Skiing

Kitty Update

Last night Winston made his first kill, a mouse. I swear now he's a difference cat. Now that he's had the taste of blood. I don't think he has slept since the catch, he's been attacking everything, I mean everything. And he has this crazy look in his eye. I swear this is not the kitten we had a week ago.

The Latest Project

Solar Panels on our apartment building!! could you imagine?
I have a lot of work to do to even start to convince myself let alone the apartment building that this is an idea that will work.

I love it.

I think this is a great project to keep myself out of trouble. now to begin...