Wednesday, June 27, 2007

They tried to make me go to rehab...

Today is the day that I write what I think. Honestly I know it's nothing impressive but I've had ample time lately (thanks to someone) to really get to know myself. For better or for worse. I've decided I want to try and improve my writing ability. because it's pretty lacking. and one way I see myself improving is just by doing it. and it'll hopefully act as some kind of therapy. because we all know that i need it. wow.

I have this fear that I will never get over the things I lost. I didn't even want what I had until it was gone. gone forever. I lost the comfort. I lost the feeling of sureness.

this blog is not going to be me ranting about what happened, it's done. This blog is going to be about what I'm going to do to 1. get over it 2. what I'm doing for myself 3. how I'm becoming a better person.

this is now my 11th day living in NYC and my 6th official day at work.

time just flys away.

and I'll i can do is count it.

I'm trying to live up this city, do everything I can, even if it's alone.

Things I've done thus far:

- mermaid parade

- pride parade

- dress-up party

- the whitest boys you'll ever meet

- barcade

- free screening of a woody allen film

good, a good solid list.

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