Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Craft Night

What better way to spend a rainy afternoon then whipping up some headbands.  Thanks to my roommate who had some elastic laying around we were able to grab some scraps and making two headbands in under 30 minutes.

It's a really simple process.  Basically you cut two rectangle, 16inches x your desired width x2 + 1/2 inch and then 10 inches x 3 inches.  The second will be wrapped around your elastic.

Then fold and sew the two rectangles right sides together. Turn them right side out and iron them flat with the seam in the middle of the backside (against your head).

Attach a safety pin to your elastic and thread the elastic through the smaller 'tube' and anchor it to one end by sewing back and forth a couple of times.  Place the rightsides of the elastic tub (with the elastic anchored end) to the right side of one end of the larger tube and sew those ends together.  Now pull the other end of the elastic through the tube so that you srunch the fabric and again so this end to the other end of the headband rightsides together.  I didn't get enough process photos but there are plenty of tutorials out there if you're looking to make one and need more instructions.

These guys supervised:


Jenn Tomaszewski said...
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Jenn Tomaszewski said...

Supervisors, thank you, we would have fallen apart without you there to keep us in line.