Thursday, September 5, 2013

Hurdle day

Day 2 of this new gluten free life was a good test.  Of course it's the first game for the Bronco's of the season and of course we would celebrate at work. There was a plethora of gluten options available. Chips chips and more chips. Pulled pork with of course soy sauce (typically a wheat filled product) Oh did I mention that I sit 3 feet away from the snack table. We also had lots of dips, condiments, brownies and a cake. So much delicious food almost within an arms reach.

I know it's lame to say since this feels like a personal choice but I suffered mildly today. Several times I wanted to stand up and simultaneously devour the food and throw the food across the room.

I'm ready to be in my safe gluten free home.

Here's to the loss of work party food enjoyment.

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